Conservation Education at Discover Hidden Panama

Our Mission

Protection, Conservation, Education and Exploration

In protecting and conserving, our aim is to preserve habitat for the hundreds of species of plants and animals that inhabit Coiba National Park and the surrounding wilderness.
Education plays a crucial role in our conservation efforts. From the poaching of sea turtle eggs to the slaughter of sharks for their fins, thousands of animals are affected by poaching and overfishing each year. Our education efforts will focus on helping locals and tourists to understand how they can participate and effect change in and around the park.
And there is so much to explore! Researchers are constantly discovering previously unknown species of plants and animals in Coiba National Park! Discover Hidden Panama is teaming up with NGOs all over Panama to help collect data relating to this ongoing endeavor.


Our Vision

The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat.

-Jacques Yves Cousteau

At Discover Hidden Panama, we actively and passionately encourage and support the preservation of Panama both above and below the sea. Through the monitoring and reporting of life systems inside Coiba we help preserve the fragile ecosystem that exists here. We offer conservation courses in coastal marine management and specialty courses on sharks, turtles, whales and other species that need our help.
We offer volunteer programs helping with the collection of data for marine conservation initiatives that we work closely with around the globe, we cater for schools and universities carrying out their own independent studies and also for private groups interested in simply exploring this pristine wilderness with us.
Discover Hidden Panama also runs out-reach programs to local coastal communities and schools on the dangers of overfishing, shark finning and the overuse of pollutants and plastics that end up in our seas and on our beaches.