Are mangrove forests so important?
Mangrove forests are one of the most unrecognised ecosystems. People always look at mangrove forests as waste land to be removed and cleared, with no real use or importance. Well i think it would be best to ask the inhabitants what they think…..
Who lives in the Mangroves?
Fish, Molluscs , Crustaceans, reptiles, mammals, birds just to mention a few. The mangrove forests provide a refuge to these inhabitants where they can live and feed.
Why do we need to conserve and protect mangrove forests?
Mangroves produce, preserve and sustain a huge part of animals
1. It is a refuge to migratory species, mainly birds
2. The habitat for many fish, molluscs, crustaceans
3. A nursery to many juvenil species
3. Food source for many species and also local fishermen
4. Important oxygen source from the mangrove trees
5. Provided coastal protection, preventing coastal erosion, and water desalinisation.
The food chain. The Mangroves provide basic food to a diverse number of species, starting from the shrimps, fish and molluscs which are part of a food chain for the mammals, reptiles and birds
Threats to mangroves
Mangrove deforestation for fishing activities and projects
Commercial shrimp tanks
Destruction due to land development for industrial, tourism and urban projects
Chemical contamination
Sand extraction